Resolve Issues Immediately with Addigy’s Live Features
Being proactive with Addigy policies, maintenance scripts, and monitoring is complemented by break-fix tools like LiveDesktop, LiveChat, and LiveTerminal. No other Apple device management provider gives you the ability to react to immediate problems.

See current device status with GoLive
All of a device’s current state and settings are available in Addigy device details page, GoLive. View over 100 data points of the device’s current state.
Check hardware and software status, send commands immediately, deploy software and profiles, check security compliance, and more.
Improve communication with end users
Communicate with your end users in real time to discover and solve problems quickly, easily, and with little interruption.
Instantly connect to remote devices anywhere in the world
View and control a remote Mac anywhere in the world with LiveDesktop. Add the flexibility of iOS screen sharing for iPhone and iPad devices, enabling seamless remote assistance for troubleshooting, training, or real-time collaboration.
Access the command line and resolve issues without interrupting end users
Addigy was the first in the industry to introduce instant and secure command line access right from your browser with LiveTerminal.
Ready to see more?
Sign up for a personalized one-on-one demo or request a trial today.