Success Story

Why Live Oak IT Chose Addigy Over Mosyle for Apple Device Management

Discover the challenges Live Oak IT experienced with Mosyle, such as lower efficiency, no real-time management, and low service quality, prompting a move to Addigy. With Addigy, they were able to improve operational efficiency and increase customer satisfaction and trust.

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Success Story

Why Live Oak IT Chose Addigy Over Mosyle for Apple Device Management

Discover the challenges Live Oak IT experienced with Mosyle, such as lower efficiency, no real-time management, and low service quality, prompting a move to Addigy. With Addigy, they were able to improve operational efficiency and increase customer satisfaction and trust.

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Live Oak IT, a well-known Windows-focused MSP in Austin, Texas, was previously an Addigy partner — but switched to Mosyle. At the time, they managed only a few Apple devices and saw Mosyle’s freemium plan as the most cost-effective option.

Hal Abramovitch, Director of Technical Strategy and Operations at Live Oak IT, led the initial switch. But as their fleet expanded to more than 550 Macs, Hal knew that staying with Mosyle was limiting their growth potential.

Live Oak IT migrated back to Addigy for its reliability, more efficient workflows, and real-time service options.

Live Oak IT, a well-known Windows-focused MSP in Austin, Texas, was previously an Addigy partner — but switched to Mosyle. At the time, they managed only a few Apple devices and saw Mosyle’s freemium plan as the most cost-effective option.

Hal Abramovitch, Director of Technical Strategy and Operations at Live Oak IT, led the initial switch. But as their fleet expanded to more than 550 Macs, Hal knew that staying with Mosyle was limiting their growth potential.

Live Oak IT migrated back to Addigy for its reliability, more efficient workflows, and real-time service options.


A Platform That Slowed Live Oak IT’s Service — and Stalled Growth

Mosyle seemed like a good idea at first. But Hal and his team soon found themselves struggling with too much manual work and repetitive tasks — and the nagging feeling that their tool of choice was actually making life more difficult.

1 | Inefficiency — and inability to scale: As Live Oak IT added more devices to their fleet, all that manual work started to add up and prevent them from scaling. Hal and his team found themselves missing the Addigy remote access and control capabilities, plus the distributed IT infrastructure.

2 | Limited real-time device management: Mosyle lacked robust, real-time device management capabilities, which caused delays in monitoring as well as remediating issues. This negatively impacted client service by making it harder to promptly address critical security and compliance concerns.

3 | Saving money, but not getting the features they needed: Hal and his team realized their “cost savings” were a bit of a mirage. Mosyle’s freemium plan didn’t allow file uploads for script software updates, which limited Live Oak IT’s ability to provide the best client experience. Hal’s team also struggled with Mosyle’s documentation and ticketing system integration.


A Comprehensive Tool With Features Built for MSPs

Seeing that Mosyle had many limitations, Hal and his team decided to reassess their options. Returning to Addigy, with its advanced features and reliable support, was the obvious choice.

Thanks to a white-glove migration service which includes custom scripts provided by Addigy — designed with busy MSPs in mind — the move back was seamless. Live Oak IT migrated more than 550 Macs from Mosyle to Addigy in less than 15 days.

Once set up, Addigy also allows for Automated Device Enrollment, reducing setup time for future devices from hours to minutes and enabling a zero-touch workflow.

Now, using Addigy’s remote access capabilities, constant connection, and platform adaptability, Live Oak IT is back to offering efficient, real-time, flexible service to their clients:

1 | Management at the speed of now: Addigy is the only solution built for live, real-time, and continuously connected Apple device management. This allows Live Oak IT to maximize end-user productivity while minimizing organizational risk. With the live capabilities in Addigy, such as LiveDesktop, LiveChat, and LiveTerminal, clients don’t have to wait on fixes. Instead, Hal’s team can react to issues immediately and with less interruption.

2 | Comprehensive security and compliance: The Addigy platform’s persistent connection to all devices ensures 24/7 compliance. It proactively delivers notifications and auto-remediates issues, helping Live Oak IT stay ahead of potential security threats.

The Addigy pre-built compliance benchmarks allow Hal to ensure all devices are compliant with official NIST specs after a single click — and provide the ability to customize which combinations of NIST rules he wants certain devices or groups to follow. Addigy also tracks any changes to these rules, so devices are never out of date (and Hal’s team doesn’t have to manually check for NIST updates).

3 | Automated monitoring: A powerful automated monitoring infrastructure provides advanced warning when problems may occur, along with the remediation tools required to solve them. Tracking updates, maintenance, and device lifecycle management frees up staff to focus on strategic initiatives rather than routine troubleshooting.


More Efficient Operations, a More Reliable Tool

Since dropping Mosyle for Addigy, Live Oak IT has streamlined its operations, improved quality of service, and set itself up for future growth. With Addigy, Live Oak IT’s scaling potential is no longer held back by its device management platform.

Here’s what Live Oak IT gained by switching back to Addigy:

1 | Run one script instead of 50: With Addigy, Hal’s team can avoid manual workflows. Before, they had to run a script 50 different times for 50 different clients. Now, Addigy enables them to run scripts for multiple clients at once — and avoid starting from scratch each time.

2 | IT operational efficiency: The return to Addigy brought substantial improvements in Live Oak IT’s staff efficiency. Real-time management capabilities provide deeper insights into device statuses and configurations, enabling prompt action on potential issues before they escalate.

3 | Higher customer satisfaction and trust: Since Addigy understands MSPs and offers support and services tailored to their needs, Live Oak IT can get the help they need to quickly and efficiently handle complex Apple device management scenarios.

Plus, since Addigy is designed to scale with MSPs as their needs expand, Live Oak IT can now pursue more opportunities, without worrying whether their MDM platform can handle the growth.

About Live Oak

Live Oak IT Partners was founded in 2014 to provide a customer-first approach that exceeds expectations. They provide individual attention and problem-solving – with a fast turnaround. They make IT human!

“After evaluating our options, we realized that Addigy’s advanced features and reliable support were better aligned with our operational needs. The decision to return was driven by the need for more effective and seamless Apple device management.”
— Hal Abramovitch, Director of Technical Strategy and Operations, Live Oak IT

“After evaluating our options, we realized that Addigy’s advanced features and reliable support were better aligned with our operational needs. The decision to return was driven by the need for more effective and seamless Apple device management.”
— Hal Abramovitch, Director of Technical Strategy and Operations, Live Oak IT

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