Industry-Leading Support to Guarantee Your Success

We care about your success as much as you do. That’s why we offer white glove service and award-winning support to help you secure and scale your Apple environment

Lifetime support included

While other services reduce costs by limiting support services, Addigy has always provided first class support at no extra cost to every customer from day 1 of and throughout the lifetime of your account.

Team of experts

Our team is composed of long-time Apple device and Apple ecosystem experts. If there’s a problem we haven’t seen, we’ll work hand-in-hand with you to solve it. 

We’ve always worked closely with the Apple admin community and Apple itself to find and share solutions and best practices

Hands on support

Whether you need guidance or want direct changes to your account.


Join and participate in our regular how-to discussions.

Slack Community

We are very active in replying to online discussions.

Onboarding help for any fleet

Whether you’re a seasoned Apple device expert or part of a Windows IT staff, Addigy provides the immediate help you need to set up your devices and policies, monitor for potential problems, and respond to support requests.

Migrating from other MDMs

Many of our customers come to us from other providers. We can help make that process as seamless as possible to your end users.

Training & Certification

Our team provides training to level up your team’s Apple management expertise.

More information about Addigy training

Ready to see more?

Sign up for a personalized one-on-one demo or request a trial today.