Umbrella over a computer screen with macos sonoma on it.

macOS Sonoma Compliance and Addigy Benchmarks

Man hugging the Addigy logo.

Why MSPs Need Multi-Tenant Capabilities to Scale Profit

Alarm going off on red background.

New Zero-Day Vulnerability Detected

Rocket taking off from text reading "macOS Sonoma."

macOS Sonoma is Here

Man looking through binoculars at computer screen with "Sonoma" written on it.

Introducing macOS Sonoma: What’s New

Man pointing to phone with DDM behind him.

The Future: Declarative Device Management

Person holding a computer monitor, which reads Sonoma.

Embracing macOS Sonoma and iOS 17 for Business Advancement

Image of a Bullhorn

Managed App Configuration is Here

Three Key Concerns of Corporate IT

Simplify Compliance and Enhance Security with Addigy

Computer with text "Corporate IT in Focus" on it.

Navigating the Evolving Landscape of Apple Device Management in 2023


MDM to DDM: The Future of Device Management

Apple releases macOS Ventura 13.5 to further increase System Updates reliability

Files moving from one computer to another.

The Challenges of Migrating from One Apple Device Manager to Another

Alarm going off on red background.

New Apple Rapid Security Response is Pulled

WWDC23 recap

WWDC 2023 Recap

Man with leash attached to a dog within a computer

Announcement: Addigy Releases Watchdog Utility Free to All MDMs

MDM Watchdog Utility Feature Now Available

Addigy’s New MDM Watchdog Utility: How to Resolve MDM Issues with macOS